This rare and highly sought-after Pokémon TCG card features the beloved characters May, Rose, Rosa, Hilda, Sonia, Misty, Erika, Lillie, Dawn, Phoenix, Jessie, Bea, Cynthia, Angel, Bianca, Eevee, Himiko Toga, Delia, Nessa, Nemona, Mallow, Marnie, Miriam, Serena, Alakazam, and is manufactured by Williams. The card is made of high-quality card stock, with a foil finish that makes it a must-have for any collector. In addition to its stunning design, this card also boasts a number of special features, including alternative art, stamped art, altered/custom art, and full art. It is a 1st edition card that is rare and highly coveted by fans of the Pokémon TCG. The card is in Japanese language and is suitable for ages 13 and up. Don't miss out on the chance to add this amazing card to your collection!